50 year old female with Abdominal pain

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

50 year old female daily labourer by occupation came with 

Chief complaints: 

Abdominal pain since 5months 

Itchy lesions on abdomen since 1 year 

History of presenting Illness :

 Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 months ago then she developed abdominal pain insidious in onset non progressive in epigastric region and right hypochondrium ,later progressive to diffuse abdominal pain .pain is more after intake of  food ( non radiating type ). 

No H/O vomiting,loose stools ,hematemesis,fever ,cough ,Shortness of Breath, palpitations.

 Pedal edema present (occassionally)

Itchy lesion on abdomen since 1 year (took treatment). 

Past history : 

No H/O similar complaints in the past  


Personal History: 

Daily labourer by occupation 

Diet mixed 

Appetite normal 

Adequate sleep 

Bowel and bladder movements are regular 

Addictions - occasional toddy drinker.

Menstrual history: 

Menarche - 12 years 

Duration -4/30 

Uses 3 pads per day 

No clots 

LMP -10/4/2023.

Obstetric History: 

2 children ( Normal vaginal  delivery) 

Family history: 

No significant family history 

Treatment History:

Treatment taken for itchy lesions on abdomen (name bot specified).

General Examination: 

Patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative

Well nourished,well built .

No signs of pallor , icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy.

Pedal edema present occassionally. 

Itchy lesions prensent over abdomen 

Vitals : 

Blood pressure -140/90 mm Hg

Pulse rate - 78 bpm

Respiratory Rate - 16 cpm

Temperature -96.8 ° F 

Systemic Examination : 

Per abdomen:- 

Inspection -

Shape of abdomen : scaphoid

Umbilicus : inverted 

Movements of abdomen wall with respiration 

Itchy lesions present over abdomen 

No visible peristalsis, pulsations, sinuses, engorged veins, hernial sites 

On palpation -

No local rise of temperature 

Inspectors findings are confirmed 

Soft and non tender

No palpable mass 

Liver and spleen not palpable 

On percussion -

Resonance note heard

On auscultation -

Bowel sounds heard 

Respiratory System:- 


Trachea appears to be normal - Central 

shape of chest - elliptical 

Movements of chest appear to be bilaterally equal

No scars , sinuses present.

No drooping of shoulder

No engorged veins , swellings seen

No hallowing seen

No crowding of ribs


All inspectory findings are confirmed

No rise of temperature

No tenderness 

Trachea is in midline

B/L chest movements are equal

No swelling and palpable masses are felt

vocal fremitus are normal 


Resonance heard over all regions.


Normal vesicular breath sounds heard .

CVS Examination 

No raised JVP 

Bilaterally symmetrical expansion seen 

No dilated veins ,engorged veins ,scars . 

Apex beat felt at 5th ICS 

S1 S2 heard.No added murmurs or thrills heard.


USG report  

Impression - grade 1 fatty liver .


Chest X ray 

Diagnosis - 

Abdominal pain under evaluation

Grade 1 fatty liver  

Tinea cruris

Treatment : 

Pan 40 mg PO/OD - 1/2 BBF

Lulfin  cream  (morning and night) - 2 weeks

Cap. Alcros BD (Itraconazole) -2 weeks


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