
Showing posts from February, 2024

50 Y/M with c/o chest pain and Dyspnoea

 A 50 year old male resident of khasanaguda tailor by occupation came with chief complaints 1)chest pain since 3 years  2) shortness of breath since  3 years 3) cough since 1 week  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5 years ago . March 2019  He had c/o fever , high-grade , not associated with child and rigors since 4 days , redness , pain and swelling in rt lower limb since  3 days . Initially it started as a bleb and  it progressed to swelling of limb  associated with pain . He was examined, investigated and diagnosed as Rt lower limb cellulitis with  ulcer over rt dorsum of foot. S/P - Split Skin Graft  Stayed at hospital for 3 months and got discharged  2022  He went to hospital with c/o dyspnea ( grade 2 mmrc ) since 1 month . No h/o chest pain, palpitations, sweating, pedal edema , pnd , orthopnea . He was started on medication 1) T.Aspirin 75 mg  2) T.Atorvastatin 20 mg  3) T.Met xl  15 mg  4) T Lasix 40mg  He was on regular follow up and on regular medication since then . 2023