32 Year old male with C/O aphasia and generalised weakness

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

32 year old male resident of chityala came to casualty with c/o generalised weakness since 2 days difficulty in talking since 2 hrs 

 HOPI : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 hours ago . He started to have difficulty in talking since 2 hours (Acc to pt he started having it after having soft drink ) . 
 No h/o deviation / angulation of mouth 
 No h/o deviation of tongue 
 No h/o nausea, vomiting and head ache
 No h/o tingling sensation in limbs 
 No h/o perioral numbness 
No h/o slurring of speech .

 Past history : Patient had two episodes of seizures in past

 1) When patient was in seventh standard he got an electric shock and was immediately taken to hospital for treatment and recovered.Later after 3-4 days after this incident patient had an episode of seizures , associated with weakness of limbs and foam from mouth + .No h/o tongue bite , deviation of tongue , angulation of mouth ,perioral numbness at night when he was asleep  and was taken to hospital, treated accordingly and used medication for 3 months .

2) 2 nd episode of seizures was seen around 1 month ago around 10 pm at night ( he was in an yoga  ashram near srisailam ) which was observed by people around him and immediately they kept keys in his hands  and it resolved after half an hour. He was told that he didn't need to go to hospital by those elders in ashram as he was doing  yoga and doing meditation regularly. 
At the time of episode - H/o tongue bite present on the left side , weakness in both limbs present .
No h/o angulation of mouth
No h/o tingling sensation in limbs 
 No h/o perioral numbness 
No h/o slurring of speech . 
No h/o fever , sweating
No h/o nausea , vomiting
No h/o headache 
 After he came from aashram he went to near by hospital in nalgonda and they advised to get an MRI and gave medication . He neglected it  at that time . But since he started having weakness in both upper and lower limbs since 2 days and slurring of speech since 2 hrs he decided to come and get an MRI done at our hospital.  
Patient got COVID  2 times in 2020 and 2021 respectively  .
 1 ) In 2020  he firstly had loss of taste , got tested turned to be positive and took medication ( Azithromycin, Vitamin C , Hydroxychloroquine ) from government for 15 days ( quarantine)  he recovered well. 

2) In 2021 he again got COVID had similar symptoms like the previous one and took  medication provided by government and recovered.

Later he got 2 doses of COVID vaccine .  

H/o bilateral hip pain , neck pain (on and off )  since 2 years   and visited hospital 2 weeks they have advised him to get an x ray and reported it as ? loss of lumbar lordosis and advised medications for the same .

He had diminished of vision in both eyes since 1 year , got a check up from an ophthalmologist and they diagnosed it as a cataract and advised him to get his surgery done. Six months ago he underwent cataract surgery for his left eye.   

N/k/c/o DM, HTN , Asthma , TB, Thyroid disorders 

Personal History :

Appetite - normal 

Diet - Mixed diet 

Bowel and bladder - regular 

Sleep - Adequate 

Alcohol  ( beer ) consumed occasionally  (2 bottles ) but at the age of 15 years and stopped at 28 years of age 

 He simultaneously started smoking ( 1/2 per day ) while taking alcohol along with friends but stopped at the age of 20 . 

No significant family history.

 General Examination: 

Patient is conscious, coherent, co-operative

Well nourished,well built .

No signs of pallor , icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy.

Hyperpigmented  lesions present  over trunk and both limbs 

Vitals : 

Blood pressure 120/80 mm hg

Pulse rate - 108 bpm

Respiratory Rate -   18cpm

Temperature - 98.6 °F 

Grbs  : 128 mg / dl 

Trousseau's  sign. -positive

Chvostek sign  - postive 

Systemic Examination : 

Patient was unconscious at the time of presentation and aphasic 

Cranial nerves examination - Intact 

Motor system 

                                         Right.              Left

Tone : 

Upper limb              Normal.           Normal 

Lower limb              Normal.           Normal 

Power :

Upper Limb.             5/5.                   5/5

Lower Limb.              5/5.                  5/5

Reflexes: biceps.  Mute.                Mute 

                 Triceps.       Mute.                 Mute 

                 Supinator.   Mute.                 Mute 

                 Knee.           Mute.                     Mute 

                 Ankle.          Mute                      Mute 

                 Plantar.        Flexor.                 Flexor 

Sensory Examination : No abnormalities detected

Meningeal signs - absent 

Finger nose coordination - absent ( at the time of presentation) 
 Knee heel coordination - absent ( at the time of presentation 


On inspection

Shape of abdomen : flat

Umbilicus : inverted  

Movements of abdomen wall with respiration 

No visible peristalsis, pulsations, sinuses, engorged veins, hernial sites 

On palpation 

No local rise of temperature 

Inspectors findings are confirmed 

Soft and non tender

No palpable mass 

Liver and spleen not palpable 

On percussion 

Resonance note heard

On auscultation 

Bowel sounds heard 



Trachea appears to be Central 

shape of chest - elliptical 

Movements of chest appear to be bilaterally equal 

Keloid is present on chest in midline 

No drooping of shoulder

No engorged veins , swellings seen

No hallowing seen

No crowding of ribs


All inspectory findings are confirmed

No rise of temperature

No tenderness 

Trachea is central.

B/L chest movements are equal

No swelling and palpable masses are felt

vocal fremitus are normal

Apex beat is felt at 5th ICS 1cm medial to mid clavicular line.


Resonant note heard in all regions.

Auscultation :

Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.



No raised JVP

The chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical

No dilated veins, scars or sinuses are seen

Apical impulse at 5th intercostal space


Apex beat is felt in the fifth intercostal space, 1 cm medial to the midclavicular line

Percussion -

Right and left borders of the heart are percussed 


S1 and S2 heard, no added thrills and murmurs are heard 

Provisional Diagnosis: 
Generalised Tonic clinic seizures ?  secondary to Hypocalcaemia 

ECG on 16/1/2024 

ECG on 18/1/2024

Serum Magnesium

Serum. Calcium

Serum electrolytes


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